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While our lives are often shielded, we're in our own protective bubbles, or protective helmets like the one Thom wears, if we look a little harder we can see all the corruption, lies, manipulation, etc. He'd rather die peacefully right now than live in this cage. But there is seemingly no way out but death. politicians and businessmen, perhaps) is not the way to live. This boring, 'perfect' life foisted upon us by some higher powers (not spiritual, but political, economic, etc. In the video, his helmet is slowly filling up with water, drowning him. On No Surprises, the narrator is realizing how this life is killing him slowly. People are being used by those in power 'like a pig in a cage on antibiotics'-being pacified with things like new phones and cool gadgets and houses while being sucked dry. But in Fitter, Happier the narrator(?) realizes that it's incredibly robotic to live this life.

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We're told to strive for some sort of ideal life, which includes getting a good job, being kind to everyone, finding a partner, getting married, having a couple kids, living in a quiet neighborhood in a nice big house, etc.

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Same ideas expressed in Fitter, Happier are expressed in this song.

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